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Wedding Photography Pricing


Select me as your wedding photographer and I'll deliver fun, candid, and creative photos that you and your family will cherish forever.


✓ wedding photography by Daniel Chindea
✓ about 150 photos per hour
✓ basic photo correction 
✓ typical 14-day delivery turnaround
✓ 1-year private online gallery
✓ full-size color JPG files 
✓ optional full-size black & white JPG files 
✓ optional social-media-ready JPG files 
✓ optional uncurated RAW files 
✓ convenient small-size downloads 
✓ high resolution JPG files on optional memory stick 
optional custom wood USB backup drive 
✓ full print-release copyright document
✓ 40km total travel included (extra - 4kr/km)  
✓ 20% engagement session discount
✓ best price guarantee 
✓ love, support, and guidance are always included
1-3 hours: 3500 kr
3-6 hours: 5500 kr
6-12 hours: 8500 kr